Singing Guide: Yngwie J. Malmsteen

Singing Guide: Yngwie J. Malmsteen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Yngwie J. Malmsteen is well known for his exceptional technical ability on the guitar, incorporating classical music into his neo-classical metal style. However, he is also a talented singer and has a unique approach to his vocal technique.

One of Yngwie's signature vocal techniques is his use of vibrato. He utilizes a very fast and aggressive vibrato style, which adds a distinctive character to his singing. To develop a similar vibrato, you can try the vibrato exercise in Singing Carrots' pitch training, which focuses on quick and precise vibrato movements.

Another technique is his incredible use of the mix voice. In the song "Rising Force," you can hear him effortlessly switch between chest voice and head voice in the chorus. To develop this skill, try Singing Carrots' mixed voice exercise, which will help you find the balance between the two registers.

Yngwie Malmsteen's vocal performance requires exceptional breathing support. You can start with a breathing exercise in Singing Carrots' pitch training, practicing proper breathing technique. If you can control your breathing, you will be able to sing longer phrases and provide more power to your singing.

Additionally, Yngwie's singing is characterized by his impressive use of dynamics, particularly in his use of sudden shifts between quiet and loud passages. To learn how to control your dynamics, start with Singing Carrots' breath control exercises.

Finally, you can try singing along with Yngwie's songs to improve your vocal range and agility, finding songs which match your vocal range by using Singing Carrots' song search, and choosing the right difficulty level for your skill using Singing Carrots' progress statistics.

Incorporating these methods into your routine is a key aspect of developing a vocal style similar to Yngwie J. Malmsteen, but remember to always be patient with yourself, practice effectively, and make a habit of warming up. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.